After proceeding

After proceeding through more than 18 months here in Atlanta it was almost understood that the green skies of Los Angeles that seem to romance themselves into the mind’s eye with such frequency, were a hue of local borne conditions, never to be seen again. It all came rushing back though as the sun, still aestivating behind the trees, fired slow rays up across the firmament bringing green + tears to these weary old eyes. This was not the first all-nighter blundered through since returning to Atlanta. However, this seemed to be the first of straight-up unadulterated toil and tension, which apparently brings only wonderful things to those who subject themselves. It also brings to mind the notion that green skies are not the result of some dismal cloud of dirt reflecting the morning light, but a condition of pure and solemn revelry at the acheivement of forging through a night, in any place.

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