Hugh’s cousin John Trefry was a staunch supporter of Charles I and even hosted the King’s stay at the family home, Place, in Fowey. From Hugh’s house he could see all the boats and ships plying the River Fowey, sailing in from, and out to, the English Channel and points beyond. He could walk up to the cliff and view the Channel and its activities and as a child, he was captured by all this hustle and bustle and would dream of sailing away some day to yet unknown destinations. The evening gala, held at Diamond Tooth Gertie’s, was hosted by Ruby’s Restaurant and was emceed by Skills Competition Co-ordinator, Michael Swainson. The evening included an award ceremony and thanks to many sponsors, prizes and gifts were presented to all involved. Our Minister of Health and Social Services, Peter Jenkins, handed out the awards: First place in the competition went to Pelly Crossing, second place was awarded to Team Pope (a mother, father, son team!), while third place fell to Skagway. Dawson, and the other communities all received 4th place! D.J John Trefry then helped the crews dance the night away into the wee hours of the morn. John Trefry, Atlanta, GA, USA Tue Jul 29 21:03:33 EDT 1997 The Tall Man is scary.

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